
Diane Jarvi · Upcoming Performances

Date Artist City Venue
March 2, 2025 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis, Minnesota American Swedish Institute
Time: 10:15am. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: 612-871-4907. Address: 2600 Park Ave S. Venue phone: 612-871-4907. Mid Winter Folk Fest at ASI Diane Jarvi will be singing songs of the Swedish immigrant poet Signe Aurell with Tjärnblom. March 2nd 10:15 am and 1:30 pm
March 6, 2025 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis. MN, MN Crooners
Time: 6:00pm. Admission: $35.00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: 763-571-9020. Address: 6161 HWY 65 NE. Venue phone: 763-760-0062. La Vie en Rose: The Edith Piaf Songbook Thursday, March 6th · 6 – 7:30pm CST. Doors at 5pm in the Dunsmore Jazz Room Enjoy the songs of Edith Piaf, along with some Hot Club swing and Parisian musette. Diane Jarvi: Vocals Dan Newton: Accordion. Erik Lillestol: Bass. Mike Cramer: Guitar Diane Jarvi has been singing the songs of Edith Piaf with accordionist Dan Newton for decades. Diane sings in an astonishing 19 languages, and Dan’s repertoire seems equally boundless. Erik Lillestol is one of the most accomplished and in-demand bassists in the Twin Cities. Mike Cramer is an amazingly talented multi-instrumentalist who excels at all manners of music.

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Past Performances

Date Artist City Venue
March 1, 2025 - March 2, 2024 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis, Minnesota American Swedish Institute
Time: 10:15am. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 2600 Park Ave S. Venue phone: 612-871-4907. Winter Fest- Diane Jarvi sings songs of Swedish immigrant poet with Tjärnblom. March 1st 10:15 am and March 2nd 1:30pm.
October 24, 2024 Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton Minneapolis. MN, MN Crooners
Time: 6:00pm. Admission: $28-$38. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: 763-760-0062. Address: 6161 HWY 65 NE. Venue phone: 763-760-0062. Diane Jarvi & Dan Newton- La Vie En Rose: The Edith Piaf Songbook Thu, Oct 24 @ 6:00PM — 7:30PM Crooners Lounge & Supper Club, 6161 Hwy 65 NE, Minneapolis, MN Dan and Diane are joined by Mike Kramer on guitar and Erik Lillestol on bass.
October 5, 2024 Diane Jarvi Sauk Centre, MN Sinclair Lewis Writer’s Conference
Time: 9:30am. Admission: $25-85.. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Sauk Centre High School. Sinclair Lewis Writer’s Conference –Keynote Speaker – Julie Schumacher– with writers : Michael Tisserand, Ken Czech and Diane Jarvi. Registration- 8:30. Panel discussion- 9:30. First breakout session-10:45- lunch 11:45. Keynote-12:45. followed by 2 more break out sessions-2:00 and 3:15. Reception at Palmer House Hotel 4:30.
May 23, 2024 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis. MN, MN Crooners
Time: 6:30pm. Admission: $30.00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 6161 HWY 65 NE. Venue phone: 763-760-0062. Celebrate 30 years of Cafe Accordion Orchestra, with Brian Barnes, Robert Bell, Diane Jarvi, Eric Mohring, Tony Balluff, Erik Lillestol, Joe Steinger and Dan Newton. In Crooners Belvedere Tent, May 23rd!
April 11, 2024 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN Midstream Reading Series-Unitarian Unity Church
Time: 7:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 732 Holly Ave. Original works of poetry read by: James Armstrong, Emily Bright, Diane Jarvenpa, and James Silas Rogers. The poets will read their poems included in the anthology Broad Wings, Long Legs: A Rookery of Heron Poems. Musical Prelude by Diane Jarvenpa (guitar and vocals) and Richard Terrill (saxophone). Host: Richard Terrill.
March 6, 2024 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis. MN, MN Crooners
Time: 6:00pm. Admission: 35.00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: 763-571-9020. Address: 6161 HWY 65 NE. Venue phone: 763-760-0062. La Vie En Rose- The Edith Piaf Songbook Enjoy the songs of Edith Piaf, along with some Hot Club swing and Parisian musette. Diane Jarvi: Vocals Dan Newton: Accordion. Erik Lillestol: Bass. Mike Cramer: Guitar Diane Jarvi has been singing the songs of Edith Piaf with accordionist Dan Newton for decades. Diane sings in an astonishing 19 languages, and Dan’s repertoire seems equally boundless. Erik Lillestol is one of the most accomplished and in-demand bassists in the Twin Cities. Mike Cramer is an amazingly talented multi-instrumentalist who excels at all manners of music.
March 1, 2024 - March 2, 2024 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis, Minnesota American Swedish Institute
Time: 10:15am. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 2600 Park Ave S. Venue phone: 612-871-4907. Winter Fest- Diane Jarvi sings the songs of Swedish immigrant poet with Tjarnblom. March 1st at 10:15 am and March 2nd at 1:30 pm.
November 5, 2023 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN Next Chapter Books
Time: 2:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 38 Snelling Ave S.. Venue phone: 651-225-8989. Literary Bridges Reading with host Stanley Kusunoki
October 28, 2023 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN Como Cottage Salon Series
Time: 7:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Poetry Scrum with Timothy Young, Hardy Coleman and Diane Jarvenpa
October 24, 2023 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis, MN SEIU Local Union 26
Time: 6:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 826 NE 18th Ave. Greg Watson and Diane Jarvenpa will be reading from their poetry works.
October 21, 2023 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN Unity Unitarian Church
Time: 4:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 733 Portland Ave. Crack Walnut Literary Festival “Autumn Leaves” reading and music event with Michael Kiesow Moore, Lars Ortiz, Thomas R Smith, Ardie Medina with the Asiginaak Singers, and Diane Jarvenpa
October 14, 2023 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis. MN, MN Crooners
Time: 4:00pm. Admission: $30.00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 6161 HWY 65 NE. Venue phone: 763-760-0062. Come join us for an Afternoon in Paris in the Belvedere Room at Crooners with Cafe Accordion Orchestra! The music of Edith, Zaz and much more.
October 14, 2023 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN Rain Taxi Book Festival–State Fair Grounds
Time: 11:30am. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 1265 Snelling Ave. I am honored to be reading with Freya Manfred, Joyce Sutphen and Gwen Westerman at the Minnesota Authors Showcase at 11:30.
October 8, 2023 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN East Side Freedom Library
Time: 2:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 1105 Greenbriar St. Venue phone: 651-230-3294. The Memory Fields of Water- Women Writers on Water Crisis and Rescue Please join us as these women writers share their work on the many aspects of water—celebration, crisis, rescue, legacy, exploration, and place of healing. A conversation and collaboration of arts and action. Catherine Reid Day, Claire Wahanholm, Cole W. Williams, Diane Brady-Leighton, Diane Jarvenpa, Dralandra Larkins, Freya Manfred, Ellen Rogers, Erin Sharkey, Heid Erdrich, Kathryn Kysar, Leslie Thomas, Lora Robinson, Margaret Hasse, Margi Preus, Noel Wang, Pat Barone, Rebecca Ramsden, Sharon Chmielarz, Sheila O’Keefe, Su Hwang, Zoë Bird The Oshkii Giizhik Singers from the Fond du Lac/Duluth area will open and close the program. Paula Maccabee from WaterLegacy will also join us.
October 7, 2023 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis, MN Norway House
Time: 2:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 913 E. Franklin Ave. Poetry Cafe for Leif Eriksson International Festival. Diane Jarvenpa and Sharon Chmielarz will be reading their work. Tjärblom duo- Cheryl Paschke and Joe Alfano will be playing tunes.
July 28, 2023 Diane Jarvi Duluth, MN Finnfest Duluth at the DECC
Time: 9:00am. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 350 Harbor Dr.. I will be on a panel in the morning and playing in the Tori in the afternoon.
June 28, 2023 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra St Anthony, MN Silverwood Park
Time: 6:30pm. Admission: $0. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 2500 County Rd E.. Venue phone: 763-694-7707.
June 27, 2023 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis, MN Magers and Quinn Booksellers
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3038 Hennepin Ave S. Venue phone: 612-822-4611. Happy to be reading with Tracy Youngblom and Lon Otto at Magers & Quinn!
June 11, 2023 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis, MN Danish American Center
Time: 7:00pm. Admission: $20 at door. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3030 West River Road. Happy to have Dean Harrington (guitar)and Erik Lillestol (bass) join me for an evening of jazz standards and some world music!
May 16, 2023 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN Readings by Writers–University Club St Paul
Time: 7:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 420 Summit Ave. Readings by Writers-So happy to be reading with Sharon Chmielarz and Greg Watson!
May 11, 2023 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis. MN, MN Crooners
Time: 7:30pm. Admission: 25. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: 763-571-9020. Address: 6161 HWY 65 NE. Venue phone: 763-760-0062. I will be joining my favorite band, Cafe Accordion Orchestra for and evening of world music. Come join us at the Belvedere stage!
May 6, 2023 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis, MN MCN6 studios Tributary Reading
Time: 1:00pm. Admission: $5. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 1229 2nd St NE. Happy to be joining Ted King’s Tributary in May!
April 23, 2023 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis, MN Danish American Center
Time: 2:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3030 West River Road. Publication Party and Book Launch for my new book of poetry – Shy Lands! Come and help me celebrate! “Shy Lands, the country Diane Jarvenpa inhabits, the country we all inhabit, is ravaged and threatened, but still, with her power to convert the observed into a “cold wild song,” she finds for all of us some kind of inspired redemption.” – Tim Nolan
April 2, 2023 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN Next Chapter Books
Time: 2:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 38 Snelling Ave S.. Venue phone: 651-225-8989. Literary Bridges Reading Series Come join us! Readers: Diane Jarvenpa, Lora Robinson, Dralandra Larkins, John Medeiros and Micheal Moos.
January 12, 2023 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis. MN, MN Crooners
Time: 6:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 6161 HWY 65 NE. Venue phone: 763-760-0062.
November 16, 2022 Diane Jarvi w/ Loren Niemi Minneapolis, MN The Briar
Time: 7:00pm. Admission: $10.. Address: 1231 Washington Street NE. JOIN US AT THE BRIAR! Loren Niemi and Diane Jarvi WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2022 AT 7 PM – 8:30 PM Stories, poems and music Loren Niemi, the great storyteller and creator of the American School of Storytelling has asked me to join him as he launches a reading series at The Briar. Join us for the inaugural performance of his monthly storytelling series at the brand-new NE bistro, The Briar! Doors at 6:30; 7pm Show Tickets $10 online or at the door The Briar, 1231 Washington Street NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413 Loren Niemi is a poet, author, innovative storyteller and the founder of the American School of Storytelling. He received a Lifetime Achievement award from the National Storytelling Network in 2016 and a 2020 Midwest Book Award for his story collection, “What Haunts Us”. A new poetry memoir “A Breviary for the Lost” is available now.
October 21, 2022 Diane Jarvi St Paul, MN FACA Finnish America Cultural Activities-International Institute of MN
Time: 7:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 1649 Como Ave. Music and poetry. It will be at the Danish American Center. 3030 W River Pkwy Mpls, 55406
October 12, 2022 Diane Jarvenpa Edina, MN Edina Poetry Club–Edina Senior Center
Time: 10:00am. Age restrictions: All Ages. Poetry reading with Michael Kiesow Moore
August 11, 2022 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis, MN Danish American Center
Time: 7:00pm. Admission: $20 at door. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3030 West River Road. This Ordinary Day CD Release Party Come and join me as I finally celebrate my newest recording!
February 17, 2022 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis. MN, MN Crooners
Time: 6:00pm. Admission: $30. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: 763-571-9020. Address: 6161 HWY 65 NE. Venue phone: 763-760-0062. Diane Jarvi with Cafe Accordion Orchestra: Love in Any Language. Love songs from around the world.
January 29, 2022 Diane Jarvi Thousand Oaks, CA Nordic Spirit Symposium Presentation- Virtual
Time: 1:00pm. Admission: free. Age restrictions: All Ages. The Way She Told Her Story-Through songs and poems the voices and experiences of Finnish and Finnish-American women. Jarvi will share their resistance, independence, sorrow, strength and legacy. From Northern Lights to Winter Nights. A Symposium of Nordic Stories and Culture…. 1:00 PST, 3:00 CST— To register:
September 19, 2021 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN Como Cottage Salon Series
Time: 4:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Como Cottage Salon Series: Timothy Young, Thomas R. Smith, Freya Manfred and Diane Jarvenpa will be doing a Poetry Scrum Sunday September 19 @ 4 pm in the Como Cottage Garden.
August 19, 2021 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis. MN, MN Crooners
Time: 7:00pm. Admission: $30.00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: 763-571-9020. Address: 6161 HWY 65 NE. Venue phone: 763-760-0062. Diane joins Cafe Accordion Orchestra as they celebrate the 25th anniversary of their first CD release– Dancing on the Moon and celebrating their many other recordings as well at The Belvedere. More information
July 11, 2021 Diane Jarvi Embarrass, MN Sisu Heritage Folk Concert Lutheran Church
Time: 3:00pm. Admission: $10.. Age restrictions: All Ages. Finnish Folk Music Concert 12 and under free admission
June 26, 2021 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis, MN FinnFest Online Folk Music Series
Time: 11:00am. Admission: free. Age restrictions: All Ages. The Way She Told Her Story- Performance and Interview that includes: Rebel girls, gypsies, brides, vagabonds, maids, daughters, mothers, artists, journalists and revolutionaries. Finnish immigrant women came to the U.S. and constructed new lives with a new language and new identities. Through songs and poetry from the voices and experiences of Finnish and Finnish-American women, Jarvi shares their resistance, independence, sorrow, strength and legacy. Email me from my website to get more info on how to access this event!
June 24, 2021 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis. MN, MN Crooners
Time: 7:00pm. Admission: $30.00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 6161 HWY 65 NE. Venue phone: 763-760-0062. Midnight in Paris returns again! Cafe Accordion Orchestra with guests: Diane Jarvi and Tony Balluff.
June 10, 2021 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis. MN Midstream Reading Series-Blue Moon Coffee House
Time: 7:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3820 East Lake St.. Midstream Reading Series on Zoom Original poems from Diane Jarvenpa, LeRoy Sorenson, Lizz Paulson and Ray Gonzalez. Where: Live online via Zoom, from the comfort of your own home. The Zoom invitation will be posted on the website at 6am on the morning of the reading. If you don’t already have it, you should get the Zoom client installed on your device ahead of time. You will be placed in the virtual waiting room until 7:30pm when the reading starts. We are limited to 100 Zoom participants. The reading will be recorded and posted to YouTube afterwards; please check the website for details. No tickets necessary.
July 11, 2020 Diane Jarvi Embarrass, MN Sisu Heritage Folk Concert Lutheran Church
Time: 4:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Finnish Folk Music Concert
June 26, 2020 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis, MN FinnFest Online Folk Music Series
Time: 11:00am. Age restrictions: All Ages. Rebel girls, gypsies, brides, vagabonds, maids, daughters, mothers, artists, journalists and revolutionaries. Finnish immigrant women came to the U.S. and constructed new lives with a new language and new identities. Through songs and poetry from the voices and experiences of Finnish and Finnish-American women, Jarvi shares their resistance, independence, sorrow, strength and legacy. Email me from my website for more info on how to access!
June 24, 2020 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis. MN, MN Crooners
Time: 7:00pm. Admission: $30.00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: 763-571-9020. Address: 6161 HWY 65 NE. Venue phone: 763-760-0062.
March 6, 2020 Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton Minneapolis. MN, MN Crooners
Time: 6:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 6161 HWY 65 NE. Venue phone: 763-760-0062. The Music of Edith Piaf We have been asked to present another Piaf show at Crooners in the Dunsmore Room! Join Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton with guitarist Dean Harrington and bassist Erik Lillestol. Stories about Piaf and her many songs, plus some Parisian musettes and tangos. At the best listening room around!
February 22, 2020 Diane Jarvi St Paul, MN Como Cottage Salon Series
Time: 7:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Diane will perform and read from her poetry as a part of this concert series presented by Timothy Young and Dalyce Elliott. Contact me through my website for more info.
February 7, 2020 Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton Minneapolis. MN, MN Crooners
Time: 6:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: (763) 760-0062. Address: 6161 HWY 65 NE. Venue phone: 763-760-0062. Join Diane and Dan for the music of Edith Piaf plus some Parisian musettes and tangos at Crooners, the best listening room around! For tickets visit:
January 14, 2020 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis. MN, MN Crooners
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: (763) 760-0062. Address: 6161 HWY 65 NE. Venue phone: 763-760-0062. Join us for another Midnight in Paris with Cafe Accordion Orchestra and guests Diane Jarvi and Tony Balluff at Crooners. Tickets-77675695095
November 29, 2019 Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton Minneapolis. MN, MN Crooners
Time: 7:00pm. Admission: $10-$15.. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: 763-760-0062 during box office hours.. Address: 6161 HWY 65 NE. Venue phone: 763-760-0062. Join Diane and Dan Newton with special guest guitarist Dean Harrington and Erik Lillestol on bass for an intimate evening of Edith Piaf and French musette! In the Dunsmore Room at Crooners. à votre santé!
October 8, 2019 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis. MN, MN Crooners
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: 763-760-0062. Address: 6161 HWY 65 NE. Venue phone: 763-760-0062. Cafe Accordion Orchestra with Diane Jarvi and Tony Balluff, Midnight In Paris show returns to Crooners! Call for tickets.
October 5, 2019 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis, MN Selam Coffee
Time: 1:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3860 Minnehaha Ave. Tributary Reading Series at Selam Coffee
September 28, 2019 Diane Jarvenpa Cloquet, MN Cloquet Public Library
Time: 1:00pm. Admission: free. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 320 14th St. Venue phone: 218-879-1531. Diane Jarvenpa will be reading from her book, The Way She Told Her Story, and will also play the kantele.
July 23, 2019 Diane Jarvenpa Duluth, MN Beaners Central Coffeehouse
Time: 6:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 324 Central Ave. Winners of this year’s Northeastern Minnesota Books Awards will read from their works: Ryan Vine, Mary Casanova, Nick Wroblerski, K.M. Allen, Diane Jarvenpa, C. Roger Pellett, Wing Young Huie.
July 11, 2019 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis. MN Midstream Reading Series-Blue Moon Coffee House
Time: 7:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3820 East Lake St.. Original poems and stories read/performed by their creators: by Diane Jarvenpa, Michael Kleber-Diggs, Jonee Kulman Brigham, Marc Schillace Where: Milkweed Building, corner of 39th and (3820) East Lake St. Upstairs. Entrance just west of Milkweed (the former Blue Moon coffee house); up the stairs and to the left. Not wheelchair accessible. Plentiful street parking. Before and after: Milkweed, downstairs, has coffee, sandwiches, desserts. Merlin’s Rest, a bar/restaurant 3 blocks west, has a full bar, good food, and a late hours kitchen, A table has been reserved for Midstream guests.
June 18, 2019 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis. MN, MN Crooners
Time: 7:00pm. Admission: $15.00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: 763-571-9020. Address: 6161 HWY 65 NE. Venue phone: 763-760-0062. Come join us! 7:00 at Crooners Lounge Cafe Accordion Orchestra presents “Midnight in Paris” An evening of very Frenchy music with guests Diane Jarvi and Tony Balluff. Featuring the sounds of Edith Piaf, Django Reinhardt, Sidney Bechet, Serge Gainsbourg and other great artists who graced the late-night stages of the bistros and cabarets in Paris. Our last Midnight in Paris show sold out quickly! Tickets at: CAO is led by DAN NEWTON on accordion and vocals, with ERIC MOHRING on mandolin, violin and vocals, ERIK LILLESTOL on bass and vocals, ROBERT BELL on guitar and vocals and JOE STEINGER on percussion
March 19, 2019 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra St Paul, MN Vieux Carre
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 408 St Peter St.. Diane Joins Cafe Accordion for a show at the finest jazz club in St Paul! The CAO quartet will play musette, Gypsy swing and Latin rhythms while Diane sings in French, Finnish, Spanish, Italian, English and who knows what else! Don’t miss this one time only show!
March 17, 2019 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis, MN Norway House
Time: 4:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 913 E. Franklin Ave. Minna Canth’s Birthday Celebration. Minna Canth was Finland’s most famous activist for social change. Born in March 175 years ago. Come celebrate this powerful woman during Women’s History month. Readings, music, hors d’oeuvres and cake! Harri Mattinen, Cheryl Paschke , Joe Alfano and Diane Jarvi
March 3, 2019 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis. MN Diamond Lake Lutheran Church
Time: 11:00am. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 5760 Portland Ave, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55417. Lakeside Gathering with Graydon Royce. Diane will share music and poetry that celebrates her Finnish ethnicity.
February 21, 2019 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis. MN, MN Crooners
Time: 7:30pm. Admission: $15.00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 6161 HWY 65 NE. Venue phone: 763-760-0062. 7:30pm on Thursday, February 21 at Crooners CAO’s Annual Concert with guests Diane Jarvi and Tony Balluff!! This year CAO’s annual concert will be Midnight in Paris, featuring music from Edith Piaf, Django Reinhardt, Serge Gainsbourg, Sidney Bechet and other Parisian stars. This concert has cabaret seating and a full dinner menu in a listening environment. You’ll want to reserve your table and tickets ahead of time as there is limited seating for this show! For reservations: or call Crooners at 763-760-0062. Crooners is located at 6161 Hwy 65 NE, Mpls (just north of 694 on Central). Free parking!
January 15, 2019 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis, MN Magers and Quinn Booksellers
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3038 Hennepin Ave S. Venue phone: 612-822-4611. Pat Barone and Diane Jarvenpa will read from their recently published poetry books.
January 10, 2019 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis. MN Midstream Reading Series-Blue Moon Coffee House
Time: 7:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3820 East Lake St.. Susan Thurston Hamerski, Diane Jarvenpa, James Lenfestey and Thomas R. Smith will read from their work.
December 11, 2018 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN Common Good Books
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 38 Snelling Ave. Celebrating the New Rivers Press publication of Visiting Bob – Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of Bob Dylan Al Davis, Thom Tammaro, Tim Nolan, Diane Jarvenpa, Joyce Sutphen, Katrina Vandenberg
December 6, 2018 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN Subtext Books
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Address: 6 W 5th St. Venue phone: (651) 493-2791. Finnish Independence Day Reading. I will be reading from The Way She Told Her Story-poetry about Finnish immigrant women. Sharing the evening with me will be Lynette Reini-Grandell who will be reading from her new book Wild Verge.
November 20, 2018 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN Readings by Writers–University Club St Paul
Time: 7:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 420 Summit Ave. An evening celebrating Bob Dylan and the publication Visiting Bob: Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of Bob Dylan by New Rivers Press. Musicians Phil Baer and Diane Jarvenpa will perform and poets Marge Barrett, Al Davis, Ray Gonzalez, Margaret Hasse, Diane Jarvenpa, Linda Back McKay, Tim Nolan, John Reinhard, Joyce Sutphen, Thom Tammaro, and Katrina Vandenberg will read from the anthology
October 13, 2018 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN Rain Taxi Book Festival–State Fair Grounds
Time: 4:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 1265 Snelling Ave. New Rivers Press reading: Celebrating the release of the anthology Visiting Bob: Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of Bob Dylan. Poets reading: Marge Barrett, Ray Gonzalez, Diane Jarvenpa, Linda Back McKay, William Meissner, Tim Nolan, Dave Pichaske, John Reinhard, Joyce Sutphen, Katrina Vandenberg, and Connie Wanek. Also featuring music by Debra Marquart, comments by book designer Phuriwat Chirapasit, and an introduction by editors Thom Tammaro and Alan Davis.
September 13, 2018 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN Lyngblomsten
Time: 5:30pm. Admission: $6.00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 1415 Almond Ave. Venue phone: 651-632-5330. Books-Cheese-Wine with Poet Diane Jarvenpa Diane will read from her book, The Way She Told Her Story, which centers on Finnish immigrant women stories–both their hardship and elation. Lyngblomsten-a center for enriching lives after 50.
June 25, 2018 Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton St Paul, MN East Side Freedom Library
Time: 7:00pm. Admission: Suggested donation $10.. Address: 1105 Greenbriar St. Venue phone: 651-230-3294. The Way She Told Her Story–Music and poetry of Finnish Immigrant Women. “Jarvenpa’s poetry is full of stories that take the reader on the immigrants’ journey of hardship and elation. These poems share deeply interwoven questions regarding language, history, women, and the immigrant experience.”
June 17, 2018 Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton Minneapolis. MN, MN Hook and Ladder
Time: 7:00pm. Admission: suggested donation $20.. Address: 3010 Minnehaha Ave. Venue phone: 612-345-7166. Join us for a jazzy/rootsy, multi-lingual odyssey featuring vocalist/guitarist Diane Jarvi and Dan “Daddy Squeeze” Newton on accordion. Traditional and original songs in Finnish, Spanish, French, English and possibly a few languages you aren’t familiar with. It’s a concert you’ll not want to miss.
June 3, 2018 101 years of Finnish Music St Paul, MN Landmark Center
Time: 2:00pm. Musical journey through Finland’s independence performing a century of songs. Pasi Lautala, Oren Tikkanen, Bob Hiltunen and Tim Havens. With Erik Koskinen, Dan Newton, Diane Jarvi and Ralph Tuttila and Al Reko
May 1, 2018 Diane Jarvenpa Winona, MN Blue Heron Coffehouse
Time: 7:00pm. Address: 162 W. 2nd St.. Venue phone: 507-452-7020. Reading and film for my new poetry book– The Way She Told Her Story.
April 20, 2018 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis, Minnesota American Swedish Institute
Time: 7:00pm. Address: 2600 Park Ave S. Venue phone: 612-871-4907. Art opening event for Finnish sculptor Kim Simonsson.
March 24, 2018 Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton Golden Valley, MN The Folk House
Time: 7:30pm. Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton at the Folk House on Saturday, March 24 (7:30) p.m. Join us for music from around the world, and a jazzy, multi-lingual odyssey It’s a concert you’ll not want to miss. Diane and Dan have been playing together for over twenty-five years. They have been guests on each other’s recordings, performed together in Finland and are always willing to hop on whatever music train the other may be taking. The Folk House is located in Golden Valley. Please send RSVPs to Chuck Ericksen at [email protected] or by calling Chuck at 651-274-6604. A $15-$20 donation is suggested at the door. All proceeds go to the performers.
March 11, 2018 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN Lowertown Artists Lofts Cooperative
Time: 4:00pm. Address: 255 E. Kellogg Blvd. Come help me celebrate my new book The Way She Told Her Story from New Rivers Press! — “Jarvenpa’s poetry is full of stories that take the reader on the immigrants’ journey of hardship and elation. These poems share deeply interwoven questions regarding language, history, women, and the immigrant experience.”—New Rivers Press “Based on the voices and histories of Finnish women immigrants and their descendants, these works ‘sing their spells’ of grit and birch trees, love and loneliness, ‘itchy oils’ and friendship.”—Diane Raptosh, author of American Amnesiac and Human Directional
February 14, 2018 Dr. Jon Hallberg, Robert Bell and Diane Jarvi-Hippocrates Cafe Minneapolis, MN, MN Weisman Art Museum
Time: 7:00pm. Hippocrates Cafe illuminates health care through story and song, performed by leading Twin Cities’ actors and musicians, incorporating equal measures of humor and reflection. Explore the voice, creativity, and curiosity that surrounded the musician and artist Prince in this episode/ installment of Hippocrates Cafe. Creator and director Jon Hallberg, MD, hosts each show, providing context for performances.
January 15, 2018 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis, MN Magers and Quinn Booksellers
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3038 Hennepin Ave S. Venue phone: 612-822-4611. Pat Barone and Diane Jarvenpa will read from their most recently published poetry books.
January 10, 2018 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis. MN Midstream Reading Series-Blue Moon Coffee House
Time: 7:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3820 East Lake St.. Susan Thurston Hamerski, Diane Jarvenpa, James P. Lenfesty and Thomas R. Smith will read from their work.
January 10, 2018 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis. MN Midstream Reading Series-Blue Moon Coffee House
Time: 7:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3820 East Lake St..
November 12, 2017 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis. MN, MN Dakota Jazz Club
Time: 4:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 1010 Nicollet Mall. Venue phone: 612-3321010. Celebrating 20 years of String Theory on KBEM! A great lineup of musicians including Dean Magraw, Tim Sparks and Brian Barnes…. Call The Dakota for more info.
September 24, 2017 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis, Minnesota American Swedish Institute
Time: 1:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 2600 Park Ave S. Venue phone: 612-871-4907. Diane will be reading from her new book The Way She Told Her Story at Finnfest literature panel.
September 24, 2017 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis, Minnesota American Swedish Institute
Time: 12:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 2600 Park Ave S. Venue phone: 612-871-4907. Diane Jarvi will be playing tunes at the FF tori. Stop by!
September 23, 2017 Diane Jarvi St Paul, MN Diane Jarvi–Finnish America meets Finland: Women musicians from two countries present Contemporary Folk/World music in concert at O’Shaughnessy Auditorium
Time: 8:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Vahvat Naiset-Strong Women-Finnish America meets Finland: Women musicians from two countries present Contemporary Folk/World music in concert at O’Shaughnessy Auditorium.
September 15, 2017 Diane Jarvi St Paul, MN FACA Finnish America Cultural Activities-International Institute of MN
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 1649 Como Ave. Jarvi’s shares the runos and music of the Kalevala and the kantele. Come try this unique instrument. Free!
September 8, 2017 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis, MN House Concert For Finland 100–email for more info
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Diane Jarvi’s intimate house concert to help celebrate Finland’s 100th anniversary of independence and the December 6th gala at Orchestra Hall.
August 20, 2017 Diane Jarvi Alpine, Wyoming Solar Eclipse Eve House Concert at Chez Alpine
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: TBA.
July 31, 2017 Diane Jarvenpa Brainerd, MN Brainerd Public Library
Time: 12:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 416 S. 5th St.. Venue phone: (218) 829-5574. Brown Bag Author’s Series: I will be reading from my book swift, bright, drift.
July 22, 2017 Diane Jarvi Golden Valley, MN Alzheimer’s Poetry Project-MN-Fête au Jardin à Chez Fifi!
Time: 5:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: email for info. Fête au Jardin à Chez Fifi! Bask in the beauty of lovely gardens at Chez Fifi in Golden Valley with us, and lend your support to “Naming the Artist Within,” a collaborative project bringing innovative visual arts and poetry programming to elders at low-income adult day centers all over Minneapolis this year! Come and enjoy: Sipping wine and sampling delectable, seasonal light fare Listening to live music by celebrated local singer-songwriter (and APP-MN poet!) Diane Jarvi Creating flower paintings to take home with masters and APP-MN guest artists Michèle Coppin and Holly Nelson Enjoying readings of APP-MN participant poems Ordering up typewritten poems-on-demand And even playing a game of badminton, if it strikes your fancy! We’ll have prizes, surprises, bubbles, and an after-party fire under the stars for those who wish to linger with us. Drop in anytime, or stay for the whole party! But be sure to order your $35 tickets in advance, at For more information, email us via our contact page, or call APP-MN director Zoë Bird at (612) 432-9196. And visit our Facebook event page for updates! If you can’t make the event, but wish to support our work in bringing creative engagement to Minneapolis elders, please visit our GiveMN page. THANK YOU! ABOUT THE PROJECT: Last year, APP-MN received a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council for “Naming the Artist Within,” a collaborative project in poetry and visual artmaking with Minneapolis elders, many of whom have dementia and other cognitive and physical challenges. APP-MN teaching poets and guest visual artists are now conducting layered workshops in both art forms at four low-income adult day center partner sites throughout Minneapolis. In each series, participants tell stories and compose group poems which then inform artworks–and vice versa–deepening explored themes and creating new connections. Programming has been in full swing since January, and will run through November 2017. Thanks to supporters and friends like you, we have so far raised over $4200 in matching funds for our grant! We need to raise another $2400 before we have secured all the required matching funds. That’s where your generosity comes in. Your ticket purchases and donations will bring our project to fruition at all four partner sites, cultivating joy and opening avenues for self-expression for Minneapolis elders and helping to amplify their vital presence in the public sphere. THANK YOU FOR BEING AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS WORK!
May 21, 2017 East Metro Symphony Orchestra with Diane Jarvi/ A Celebration of Finnish Music Woodbury, MN Woodbury/Peaceful Grove United Methodist Church
Time: 2:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 7465 Steeple View Rd, Woodbury, Minnesota 55125. Presented with the generous support of the Finlandia Foundation National, A Celebration of Finnish Music commemorates the one hundredth anniversary of Finland’s independence. Part of the international Suomi Finland 100 celebration, the concert will combine performances of both the folk and classical music of Finland and will feature special guest folk musician, poet, and kantele player (Finnish folk harp) Diane Jarvi. Admission to this concert is free. Free will offerings in support of the orchestra’s work in the community are always appreciated.
May 15, 2017 Alzheimer’s Poetry Project-Make and Take Art and Poetry Event Minneapolis, MN Southwest Senior Center
Time: 5:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. A MAKE-and-TAKE ART PARTY and BENEFIT for the ALZHEIMER’S POETRY PROJECT MINNESOTA! Featuring… *Painting with glass and gold! APP-MN guest visual artist, painter Michèle Coppin, will teach glass-painting techniques to those who wish to create a sumptuous small framed painting to take home. All supplies provided. *Interactive performance by international APP founder and director Gary Glazner! (Co-starring Vincent Van Gogh and Walt Whitman.) *Silent auction! Featuring art, books, broadsides, and jewelry by local writers, publishers, and artists–and more. *Plus! Readings of poems by APP-MN project participants, Zoë Bird, Rachel Moritz, Julie Landsman, Diane Jarvenpa, light nosh, and a chance to preview art created by participants in APP-MN’s “Naming the Artist Within” project. (Scroll down for more info on the project!) Drop in or play all evening! Ages 13+, please. Space is limited; tickets are $25 in advance at, or at the door. Your added donations are gratefully accepted. Southwest Senior Center 3612 Bryant Ave S, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55409 For more information, contact APP-MN director Zoë Bird at (612) 432-9196 or [email protected]. You can also visit, and watch this event page! ABOUT THE PROJECT: Last year, APP-MN received a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council for “Naming the Artist Within,” a collaborative project in poetry and visual artmaking with Minneapolis elders, many of whom have dementia and other cognitive and physical challenges. APP-MN teaching poets and guest visual artists are now conducting layered workshops in both art forms at four low-income adult day center partner sites throughout Minneapolis, including our wonderful host for this benefit, VOAMN’s Southwest Senior Center. In each series, participants tell stories and compose group poems which then inform artworks–and vice versa–deepening explored themes and creating new connections. Programming has been in full swing since January, and will run through November 2017. We have so far raised about $2500 in matching funds for our grant, and need to raise another $4000 before we have secured all the required matching funds. That’s where your generosity comes in. Your ticket purchases and donations will provide the last push that brings our project to fruition at all four partner sites, cultivating joy and opening avenues for self-expression for Minneapolis elders and helping to amplify their vital presence in the public sphere. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council.
March 5, 2017 Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton Minneapolis, MN, MN ZRS Fossils and Gifts
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3018 Lyndale Ave S. Venue phone: 612-824-1068. Store Concert. Put these two musicians together and you enter a cross-cultural, jazzy , multilingual world. Join us for an evening of music, refreshments and beauty from the natural world.
February 16, 2017 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis. MN Midstream Reading Series-Blue Moon Coffee House
Time: 7:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3820 East Lake St.. Midstream Reading Series –Blue Moon building, corner of 39th and (3820) East Lake St, Mpls.. Upstairs. Entrance just west of the Blue Moon coffee house; up the stairs and to the left.
February 8, 2017 Diane Jarvi, Dan Newton and Robert Bell@ Hippocrates Cafe. Minneapolis, MN, MN Weisman Art Museum
Time: 7:00pm. Admission: free. Age restrictions: All Ages. We’re excited about our next public show for Dr. Jon Hallberg’s Hippocrates Cafe, “The Beautiful Brain” at the Weisman Art Museum tonight. It will feature actors Katherine Ferrand and (Dr.!) Mark Nelson, and musicians Dan Newton, Robert Bell, and Diane Jarvi. We hope to see you there!
November 11, 2016 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis. MN, MN Eat My Words Book Store
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 1228 2nd St. NE, Minneapolis, MN. Venue phone: (651) 243 – 1756. Come to Eat My Words book store–I will be reading from my most recent book swift, bright, drift published by Red Dragonfly Press. Hope to see you there!
October 15, 2016 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN Rain Taxi Book Festival
Time: 1:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: MN State Fair Grounds-Progress Center and Fine Arts Building 1265 Snelling. I will be at the Red Dragonfly Press table from 1-2:00pm on Saturday. Stop by and say hello! And enjoy all the great writers, readers and publishers at the festival.
October 2, 2016 Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton Minneapolis. MN, MN House Concert–Email for more information
Time: 7:00pm. Admission: $20.00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Dan Newton and I will be playing tunes from around the globe and our own backyard. Join us!
September 29, 2016 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis. MN, MN Dakota Jazz Club
Time: 7:00pm. Admission: $20.00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 1010 Nicollet Mall. Venue phone: 612-3321010. Cafe Accordion Orchestra will celebrate the release of their latest recording, CAO 10 at The Dakota Jazz Club . The evening’s first set will feature CAO 10 in its entirety. CAO 10 showcases the band’s mix French flare, Latin heat and Bohemian attitude. A number of originals by Dan Newton are featured as well. The second set will feature lots of old favorites, plus guest appearances from vocalist Diane Jarvi, clarinetist Tony Balluff and producer of CAO 10, Scott Malchow. It will be a great evening! CAO 10 will be available for $10 at the release party.
September 16, 2016 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN FACA Finnish America Cultural Activities-International Institute of MN
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 1649 Como Ave. I will be presenting a short film called The Way She Told Her Story and also talk about my research on a poetry manuscript focusing on Finnish immigrant women and their experiences. I will also be reading from my most recent book,– swift, bright, drift.
September 6, 2016 Diane Jarvenpa Winona, MN Blue Heron Coffehouse
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 162 W. 2nd St.. Venue phone: 507-452-7020. I will be reading as a part of Winona’s Laureate Writer’s Series at The Blue Heron Coffeehouse.
August 27, 2016 Diane Jarvi New York Mills, MN Finn Creek-Summer Folk Festival
Time: 1:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. I will be performing a couple of times at the Finn Creek Folk Festival in New York Mills on August 27. Always a lot of fun.
June 30, 2016 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis, MN Magers and Quinn Booksellers
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3038 Hennepin Ave S. Venue phone: 612-822-4611. I will be reading from my new book swift, bright, drift with poet John Krumberger.
June 10, 2016 Diane Jarvi Jackson Hole, Wyoming Jackson Hole
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Gig locations and times tba
April 2, 2016 Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton Minneapolis, MN Grieg Society-Norwegian Lutheran Church
Time: 7:30pm. Admission: tba. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 924 E. 21st St.. Diane Jarvi is joined by Dan Newton to perform traditional and modern folk and tango music and other regional tunes of Finland as well as explore influences from its neighboring countries.
April 1, 2016 Diane Jarvi St Paul, MN Celtic Junction–Folk Songs of Another America
Time: 7:30pm. Admission: $5. and $10 for families. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 836 Prior Ave N. This concert celebrates the release of the new book by folklorist Jim Leary- Folksongs of Another America. With performances by Twin Cities musicians who carry on the best of these immigrant folk traditions. Featuring: Kip Peltoniemi Laura MacKenzie “Clawhammer” Mike Sawyer Brian Miller Diane Jarvi Kari Tauring Phil Nusbaum & Sherry Minnick Sarah Larsson & Katherine Parent Tickets $5 for individuals, $10 for families. Come join us! From 1937-1946 a trio of folklorists from the Library of Congress recorded roughly 2000 tunes and songs in 25 languages from folk performers in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Folklorist Jim Leary’s new book/ CD/DVD production, Folksongs of Another America distills the best of these nearly forgotten recordings, while stitching the significant contributions of culturally diverse Upper Midwesterners into the nation’s folksong fabric. Illustrated with restored sounds and rare images, Leary’s collection illuminates the working lives and stunning traditional artistry of Finnish, Scots-Gaelic, Serbian, Swedish, and lumberjack performers in Minnesota and the surrounding region. Information about Folksongs of Another America can be found here:
March 24, 2016 Diane Jarvenpa Golden Valley, MN The Folk House
Time: 7:30pm. Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton at the Folk House on Saturday, March 24 (7:30) p.m. Join us for a music from around the world, jazzy, multi-lingual odyssey It’s a concert you’ll not want to miss. Diane and Dan have been playing together for over twenty-five years. They have been guests on each other’s recordings, performed together in Finland and are always willing to hop on whatever music train the other may be taking. The Folk House is located in Golden Valley. Please send RSVPs to Chuck Ericksen at [email protected] or by calling Chuck at 651-274-6604. A $15-$20 donation is suggested at the door. All proceeds go to the performers.
March 20, 2016 Diane Jarvenpa St Anthony, MN Silverwood Park–publication party
Time: 2:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 2500 County Road E. Venue phone: 763-694-7707. Publication party! Join me to celebrate my new book swift. bright, drift and Spring! Also enjoy the trails and art gallery at Silverwood Park. Refreshments. Hope to see you there!
February 14, 2016 Diane Jarvi, Dan Newton and Robert Bell@ Hippocrates Cafe. Minneapolis, Minnesota American Swedish Institute
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: 612-871-4907. Address: 2600 Park Ave S. Venue phone: 612-871-4907. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to catch a public performance of Hippocrates cafe. Curated by Dr Jon Hallberg, featuring Guthrie Theartre actors and music from Dan newton, Diane Jarvi and Robert Bell. AS romantic dinner is included! For more about Hippocrates Cafe go to For reservations and directions visit the American Swedish Institute site: 2600 Park Ave S, Minneapolis 612-871-4907 More information
December 15, 2015 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN Readings by Writers–University Club St Paul
Time: 7:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 420 Summit Ave. Carol Connolly’s Reading by Writers Series at the University Club in St Paul. Diane will be reading with these wonderful writers: Sharon Chmielarz, Tim Nolan, Ava Finch, Doug Green, James Lenfestey, Dudley Riggs and Lori Sturdevant. Come join us!
November 18, 2015 Diane Jarvenpa Edina, MN Edina Poetry Club–Edina Senior Center
Time: 10:00am. Age restrictions: All Ages. Two Finnish-American poets, Diane Jarvenpa and Kirsten Dierking will be reading their poetry from 10-11:30.
November 8, 2015 Diane Jarvi and The Ditchlilies Minneapolis. MN, MN House Concert–Email for more information
Time: 7:00pm. Admission: $20.00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Diane Jarvi and her favorite duo The Ditchlilies come together for a shared gig at a house concert November 8th. Expect a good time with great tunes from three excellent Rebel Women!
September 6, 2015 Diane Jarvi Bemidji, Minnesota Salolampi-Concordia language Village
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Diane Jarvi concert at Salolampi adult camp September 6 at 7:00.
June 20, 2015 Diane Jarvi Hibbing, MN Mesaba Co-op Park
Time: 2:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3827 Mesaba Park Rd, Hibbing,. Venue phone: (218) 262-1350. Mesaba Park celebrates Juhannus/Midsummer with music and poetry!
June 12, 2015 - June 13, 2015 Diane Jarvi Nisswa, MN Nisswa-stämman Festival
Time: 1:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 15 miles north of Brainard on HWY 371. I will be performing at this great Scandinavian Folk Festival! Details TBA.
April 12, 2015 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN SubText Books
Time: 1:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 165 Western Ave. Venue phone: 651-493-2791. AWP Poetry reading with poet Diane Raptosh, author of American Amnesiac, long listed for the National Book Award. Come hear Diane read from her important book.
April 9, 2015 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis, MN AWP Conference-Minneapolis Convention Center
Time: 4:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Panel– Old Friends Who’ve Never Met: 5 Poets and Some Poems—4:30-5:45 Room101J Level 1
February 17, 2015 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN Readings by Writers–University Club St Paul
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 420 Summit Ave. Carol Connolly’s Series: Readings by Writers Tuesday February 17th, University Club–420 Summit Ave, St. Paul Love poems to make St. Valentine proud. Share the love with Carol Connolly, Diane Jarvenpa, Klecko, James Lenfestey, Freya Manfred, Ethna McKiernan, and David Mura. Poetry galore. Glorious words of love. 7:00 p.m.: prelude music by violinist Mary Scallen and flutist Jim Miller Bar open before, during, and after the reading. Books by authors sold at the reading. Saint Paul Almanac for sale at the books table as well. Cash and checks accepted.
February 15, 2015 Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton St Paul Underground Music Cafe
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 1579 Hamline Ave. Diane and Dan will be playing Finnish music and other worldly delights.
February 13, 2015 Diane Jarvenpa Fridley, MN Banfill-Locke Center for the Arts
Time: 7:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 6666 East River Road. Diane will be reading with Lynette Reini-Grandell as a part of the center’s reading series-hosted by Dara Syrkin.
January 10, 2015 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis. MN Cedar Cultural Center
Time: 8:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 416 Cedar Ave. Venue phone: 612-338-2674. Cafe Accordion Orchestra presents CINEMA @ The Cedar CAO presents their tribute to music and the movies, complete with film clips, cartoons, and live music for a silent short. For ticket info: 612-338-2674
December 9, 2014 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis, MN Bryant Lake Bowl
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 810 W, LAKE ST. Two Chairs Telling –series hosted by Loren Niemi. Diane Jarvi and Nancy Donoval trade and share stories, writings and other musings….
December 7, 2014 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis, Minnesota American Swedish Institute
Time: 2:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 2600 Park Ave S. Venue phone: 612-871-4907. I will be playing at Julmarknad–the Winter Market at the American Swedish Institute. Come join the festivities!
November 23, 2014 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis. MN Cedar Cultural Center
Time: 7:30pm. Admission: $12/$15.00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 416 Cedar Ave. Venue phone: 612-338-2674. CD Release concert for my new recording Bittersweet! With guest artists; Dan Newton, Sara Pajunen, Gordy Johnson, The DitchLilies, Finn Hall Band and LiLi Jarvenpa. Don’t miss this one!
October 11, 2014 Diane Jarvi Minnetonka, MN Greenbriar
Time: 6:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 10505 Cedar Lake Road, Minnetonka, MN 55305. October 11, 2014 6pm-9:30pm Their first fundraiser and celebration! There will be music, a silent auction, wine and appetizers!! A $20.00 donation is requested at the door, $10.00 for students 13 years and up and 12 years and under free. 🙂 Why: To celebrate the passing of the Safe and Supportive MN Schools bill and board member and long-time violence prevention advocate, Marion London’s 65th birthday!!! Where: Greenbrier Condo Party Room, 10505 Cedar Lake Road, Minnetonka, MN 55305
October 9, 2014 Diane Jarvi Duluth, MN Fitger’s Inn
Time: 7:00pm. Publication reading/party for Mark Munger’s new book Sukulaiset. In Fitger’s Theater of the North. Reading, discussion with Gerry henkel of New World Finn and some tunes as well!
August 24, 2014 Diane Jarvi New York Mills, MN Finn Creek-Summer Folk Festival
Time: 12:45pm. Come to the Summer Folk Festival at Finn Creek. I’ll be playing 12:45 and 2:45. Gate Donation – Adults: $4.00 per day or $6.00 for both days; Children (6-12): $1.00 (under 6 – free)The Finn Creek Open Air Museum, located 6 miles south east of New York Mills Minnesota, is an eighteen acre interpretive site devoted to the preservation of the local Finnish culture and heritage.
August 8, 2014 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis, MN FinnFest 2014 at Hyatt Regency Hotel
Time: 4:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 1300 Nicollet Mall. I will be reading in a celebration of New Rivers Press’ 25th anniversary publication of Sampo the Magic Mill. Other poets include : Kirsten Dierking, Sheila Packa, Jim Johnson.. I will also be performing Friday afternoon tunes from my new CD bittersweet. And offering a Kantele workshop on Saturday at 3:00.
August 3, 2014 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis, MN Magers and Quinn Booksellers
Time: 4:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3038 Hennepin Ave S. Venue phone: 612-822-4611. I will be reading with Diane Frank, poet and novelist from San Francisco.
July 13, 2014 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis, MN Minnesota Orchestra Hall–Sommerfest
Time: 5:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 1111 Nicollet Mall. Singing a few with CAO @ Sommerfest-Orchestra Hall, Mpls 5-6:30pm Description: Orchestra Hall 1111 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55403
July 1, 2014 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra St Paul Minnesota History Center
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 345 W Kellogg Blvd. Venue phone: 651-259-3000. I’ll be sitting in on a few tunes with CAO when it returns to the popular 9 Nights series on the MHS lawn. Bring a picnic, or buy your dinner there, or just come for the dancing! Dance Lesson at 6:30, concert at 7. MN History Center 345 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul 651-259-3000
June 19, 2014 Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton Minneapolis, MN Wild Sound Studio
Time: 7:00pm. Admission: $15.00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 2400 2nd St NE. Venue phone: 612-706-0815. You are invited to a summer concert! This time at Wild Sound Studio where I have recorded 5 of my CDs over the years. Thursday, June 19th at 7:00 pm. 2400 2nd St. NE, Mpls Come celebrate the arrival of this sweet, warm season and catch some tunes. Dan Newton will be joining me on songs from around the world as well as a few from my upcoming CD. Snacks and beverages will be served. $15 at the door– limited seating, so R.S.V.P. is recommended. Please email [email protected] or [email protected]
June 14, 2014 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis, Minnesota American Swedish Institute
Time: 3:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 2600 Park Ave S. Venue phone: 612-871-4907. Come celebrate summer at the ASI Midsommer Celebration!
March 22, 2014 Diane Jarvi St Paul, MN St Agnes Bakery
Time: 10:30am. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 644 Olive St.. The 14th Annual KITCHEN POETS VAULT Pizza Party at St Agnes Bakery All Star Readers: Fergie … Mike Finley … Ted King … Yvonne Peralta … Rebecca Paradis … Diane Jarvi … Jeanne Lutz … Kris Bigalk Hosted by master bread baker KLECKO A feast of words and pizza! Come join us. Bring your own toppings and maybe a chair. It gets crowded.
February 6, 2014 Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton Delano, MN Three Crows
Time: 7:30pm. Admission: $10.00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 225 N. River St. Come to one of the great venues west of the Twin Cities. Great tunes from Dan and Diane, plus wonderful food Address: 225 N River St, Delano, MN 55328 Phone:(763) 972-3399 Hours: Sunday 8:00 am – 2:00 pm – See all
January 11, 2014 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis. MN Cedar Cultural Center
Time: 8:00pm. Admission: $18/$20. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: 612-338-2674 ex 2. Address: 416 Cedar Ave. Venue phone: 612-338-2674. Café Accordion Orchestra celebrates 20 years of blending French Musette, Gypsy swing, Latin and movie music with their annual concert at the Cedar. Joining the band on stage tonight will be all the original, current and recording members of the band including Brian Barnes, Diane Jarvi, Tony Balluff and Gordy Abel. There will be giveaways and raffle prizes, including French Roast coffee from Dunn Bros, gift certificates to the Loring Pasta Bar, French wine, autographed posters and band photos. And a guaranteed good time for all! Ticket options and info Phone: 612-338-2674 ext 0 between 12 noon and 4pm ($2 fee per ticket) In person: From a Cedar volunteer in the front lobby during events (no fee; cash, check, credit card), Depth of Field (no fee; cash or check only), or Electric Fetus (approximately $2 fee) Online: Ticketweb (typically $2–$3 fee/ticket) (click on red Buy Tickets button at top of this page) The Cedar is an all ages venue Students with ID, seniors over 65, and children under 12 may purchase tickets at a discount at the door.
January 10, 2014 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis. MN Cedar Cultural Center
Time: 8:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 416 Cedar Ave. Venue phone: 612-338-2674. Cafe Accordion Orchestra presents CINEMA @ The Cedar CAO presents their tribute to music and the movies, complete with film clips, cartoons, and live music for a silent short. For ticket info: 612-338-2674
December 8, 2013 Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton Maple Grove, MN Claddagh Irish Pub
Time: 5:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 7890 Main St N. Come join Diane and Dan Newton for some traditional tunes in this friendly pub in the northwest suburbs. Claddagh Pub 7890 Main Street North Maple Grove, MN 763-773-7400
November 9, 2013 Diane Jarvi Carlsbad, California Museum of Music Making
Time: 7:00pm. Admission: $10./15.00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 5790 Armada Drive. Venue phone: 760-438-5996. On Saturday, November 9th at 7 PM, the Museum continues its Global Spotlight Concert Series with a performance from Diane Jarvi, a kantele player who is a versatile performer of folk and world music. The kantele is a Finnish folk harp in the zither family in which the player plucks or strums the strings. The kantele was originally used to accompany the singing of epic Finnish poems and stories. When Jarvi picks up a kantele and plays, she is also picking up a set of musical traditions, a history, a mythology, and an art form. In addition to her own compositions, Jarvi is known for her intimate and authentic interpretations of tangos, waltzes, gypsy music, ballads, jazz standards and cabaret songs from around the world. This program is made possible in part by a Community Arts Grant from the City of Carlsbad’s Cultural Arts Office. The Global Spotlight Concert Series features prominent artists whose music represents traditions and innovations from around the world.
November 6, 2013 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra St. Paul, MN Highland Park Library
Time: 6:30pm. Admission: free. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 1974 Ford Pkwy. Venue phone: 651-695-3700. Nov 6, Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm Dan Newton’s Cafe Accordion Orchestra with Diane Jarvi @ Highland Park Library, St Paul Diane and CAO will perform classic French songs by Edith Piaf, Serge Gainsbourg, Charles Trenet and others for the Highland Park Library series. Limited seating, come early and enjoy the library! Highland Park Library is on 1974 Ford Pkwy, St Paul, MN. 651-695-3700
October 5, 2013 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis, MN League of Women Voters Fundraiser @ Free Spirit Publishing
Time: 6:00pm. Admission: $45.00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: 612-333-6319. Address: 217 Fifth Ave North, Suite 200. LWVMpls Fall Fundraiser October 5, 2013 6:00 – 8:30 PM 217 Fifth Av North, Suite 200 Featuring internationally acclaimed singer Diane Jarvi, architect Matt Kreilich, an amazing silent auction and other treats in the “new” north loop neighborhood. Nosh on food from Sapor Cafe and Bar, sip adult beverages and support the work of LWVMpls while finding out more about this hot neighborhood. Hosted by Free Spirit Publishing. Purchase Tickets-612-333-6319
August 10, 2013 Diane Jarvi Alpine, Wyoming House Concert
Time: 7:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages.
June 20, 2013 - June 23, 2013 Diane Jarvi Hancock, Michigan FinnFest
Time: 11:00am. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Diane will be performing in concert, in the variety show and in the toris as well as teaching 5 and 36-string folk-style kantele workshops at Finnfest this summer!
June 2, 2013 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN SubText Book Store– Lief Magazine Reading
Time: 4:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Corner of Western and Selby Aves. Come hear the contributors to the Summer issue of Lief Magazine– a literary arts journal! at Subtext bookstore, at Western and Selby in St. Paul, Sunday, 4 pm, June 2nd.
May 21, 2013 Diane Jarvenpa St Paul, MN Readings by Writers–University Club St Paul
Time: 7:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 420 Summit Ave. Public Art Saint Paul – Everyday Poems for City Sidewalk- presents READINGS BY WRITERS now in its 14th year. Free and open to the public Hosted by Saint Paul Poet Laureate Carol Connolly at the historic University Club Saint Paul 420 Summit Avenue. READERS: CAROLYN GILES BANKS, NORITA DITBERNER JAX, TODD BOSS, KATE HALLET DAYTON, DIANE JARVENPA, MATT MAUCH, PATRICIA KIRKPATRICK, MARCUS YOUNG Readings last just about one hour. Performers will have books and merchandise to sign and sell.
May 1, 2013 Diane Jarvi St Paul Black Dog Cafe
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 308 Prince St. Find out why May Day was chosen as the annual date to honor workers the world over. Celebrate worker solidarity with novelist and poet Anya Achtenberg, labor historian and activist Dave Riehle, music from Northern Minnesota’s Red Finns performed by Diane Jarvi and anthems of the Paris Commune and revolutionary France sung by Yvonne Peralta. Hosted by Rich Broderick. Come enjoy yourself — and help make a better world a little more possible 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. No charge, though donations will be accepted to help fund the Black Dog’s events programming. For more information, call 651-228-9274 or visit The Black Dog is located at 308 Prince St., in Lowertown St. Paul, on the southeast corner of the St. Paul Farmers Market. Off-street parking is available and a large lot is located behind the café where parking is $1 for the entire evening. For more information, call 651-228-9274 or visit
April 11, 2013 Diane Jarvenpa Golden Valley, MN Golden Valley Women’s Club- National Poetry Month reading
Time: 1:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages.
March 7, 2013 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis. MN Midstream Reading Series-Blue Moon Coffee House
Time: 7:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3820 East Lake St.. Midstream Reading Series with/ Diane Jarvenpa Pat West James Silas Rogers Danny Klecko
February 17, 2013 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Shoreview, MN Hope Church Sunday Evening Concert Series
Time: 6:00pm. Admission: $7.00 at the door. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 4911 Hodgson Rd. Venue phone: 651-486-6243. My favorite band Cafe Accordion Orchestra has kindly invited me to sit in on their concert this Sunday. Come hear some Gypsy swing and other tunes to warm your bones! Sunday February 17th 6:00 Hope Church 4911 Hodgson Rd, Shoreview,MN 651-486-6243
January 12, 2013 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis. MN Cedar Cultural Center
Time: 8:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 416 Cedar Ave. Venue phone: 612-338-2674. Celebrate the release of Cafe Accordion Orchestra’s new CD “la Zingara” with special guests Diane Jarvi and Tony Balluff! For ticket info: The Cedar Cultural Center 416 Cedar Avenue Minneapolis, MN (612) 338-2674
December 15, 2012 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis. MN Christ Church Lutheran
Time: 12:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Joulu Finnish Magical Christmas Saturday, December 15, 2012 12:00pm until 5:00pm Finnish Christmas event celebrating all things Finnish. Finnish Christmas Buffet by Soile Anderson; noon- 2pm Tiernapojat/Star Boys Must see! 2 shows; 1:30pm and 3:30pm. Some of the stars in this production; Kauneimmat Joululaulut / Finnish Christmas Carols 2pm Christmas Wreath Decorating competition! Finnish Christmas Movies all day! Finnish Tori – Market place with Finnish goods! Finnish Cafe 12noon – 5pm Kids program – 12noon – 5pm
December 1, 2012 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis. MN ZRS Fossils and Gifts
Time: 2:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3018 Lyndale Ave S. Venue phone: 612-824-1068. Healing Holiday Expo 2:00-7:00 at ZRS Fossils. Come check out this free event. Demonstrations, treats, drawings, innovative practitioners, holiday sale and kantele music! [email protected]
October 11, 2012 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis. MN Midstream Reading Series-Blue Moon Coffee House
Time: 7:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3820 East Lake St.. When: Thursday October 11, 7:30–8:30pm. Original poems and stories read/performed by their creators: Diane Jarvenpa, Danny Klecko, James Silas Rogers, Pat West Where: Blue Moon building, corner of 39th and (3820) East Lake. Upstairs. Entrance just west of the Blue Moon coffee house; up the stairs and to the left. Not wheel-chair accessible. Danny Klecko Poet and bon vivant Danny Klecko works days as CEO of Saint Agnes Baking Company in Saint Paul. Klecko is known for his books and talks on the spirituality of bread, on the constancy of dogs and good women. Over the last 30 years, Klecko has baked for world leaders, celebrities and more importantly an entire city. When the village baker looks for topics to write about, he usually places his focus where physics and human aspiration meet. James Silas Rogers James Silas Rogers is editor of New Hibernia Review, a journal of Irish Studies published by the University of St Thomas. His chapbook Sundogs was published by Parallel Press, in imprint of the University of Wisconsin Libraries, in 2006. His poems have appeared in a range of literary publications, including Great River Review; Poetry East; Nimrod; the Cortland Review; and most recently, the Clifden Anthology in Ireland. Last Thanksgiving, his poem “Rutabagas: A Love Poem” was read on Garrison Keillor’s Writers Almanac. He has also published creative nonfiction in such journals as South Dakota Review, Big Muddy, ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and the Environment, and Ascent, and critical essays in the Journal of College Writing and elsewhere. Jim also curates a monthly reading series at Trotters Café; just up the hill in St Paul at Cleveland and Marshal. Pat West Pat West, born and brought up in the deep south, has had a long and exciting life as the wife of an academic. Harvard, Oxford, Spelman College, the early Civil Rights Movement, protesting with Howard Zinn, Marv Davidov and Daniel Ellsberg against line mines in Minneapolis; all of these are in her past. She writes poetry in a writing group in St.Paul, has studied with Jude Nutter, and, in the summer, takes part in a weekly poetry workshop led by Alan Feldman and Tony Skoagland in Wellfleet, MA, on Cape Cod. She is working on her memoir, “Under the Magnolias.”
September 29, 2012 Diane Jarvi St Paul St Paul Farmer’s Market– Lowertown
Time: 9:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 290 5th St E.. Come catch the last harvests of the season and some tunes to warm you as you shop! I’ll be playing from 9:00-11:45 AM
September 8, 2012 - September 9, 2012 Diane Jarvi Winnipeg, Manitoba Winnipeg Scandinavian Festival
Time: 2:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Diane will be performing and teaching kantele as well as singing in workshops at this Winnipeg Scandinavian festival. Stay tuned for times and place.
September 1, 2012 Diane Jarvi Brimson, MN Petrell Hall Centennial Celebration
Time: 4:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Diane will be playing and reading 4:00 and 6:30 at the Petrell Hall Centennial Celebration in Brimson, MN. Petrell Hall is a log hall built by the Finnish Work People’s Society in 1912 for the “social uplifting of the working class forever” .
August 31, 2012 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Falcon Heights Minnesota State Fair
Time: 3:15pm. Diane Jarvi with Cafe Accordion Orchestra @ Minnesota State Fair 3:15, 4:30 & 5:45pm At the Bazaar stage! Get a complete listing of music on the free stages at:
July 28, 2012 Diane Jarvi Battle Lake, Minnesota Battle Lake School
Time: 3:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Venue phone: 218-769-4296. Diane Jarvi in concert sponsored by Leif Ericson, Sons of Norway, Vining
May 1, 2012 Diane Jarvi St Paul, MN Black Dog Cafe– May Day
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 308 Prince St.. Venue phone: 651-228-9274.
April 22, 2012 Diane Jarvi WInnipeg, Manitoba WInnipeg Philharmonic Choir-From Baltic to the Northern Lights
Time: 3:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Westworth United Church, 1750 Grosvenor Ave. Diane Jarvi will be a guest performing with Ralph Tuttila in concert with the Winnipeg Philharmonic Choir. From The Baltic to the Northern Lights Sunday, April 22, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. Westworth United Church 1750 Grosvenor Avenue
April 16, 2012 Diane Jarvi Faribault South Central College
Time: 2:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Conference Center B–Student Commons. April Sakatah Reading Series April is poetry month. Diane will read her poetry at South Central College in Faribault.
April 8, 2012 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis, Minnesota Minneapolis Community Education Class
Time: 6:30pm. Address: Southwest High School–3414 West 47th St.. Poetry for a Small Planet –Class. Learn to write poetry that reflects the natural world. We will study poets known for their connections to the natural environment; Mary Oliver, Pattiann Rogers, William Stafford, Basho and others. We will write and share our work. So bring a pencil and a notebook!
February 24, 2012 Diane Jarvi St Paul Dunn Bros Grand
Time: 8:30pm. Venue phone: 651-698-0618.
February 10, 2012 Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton St Paul Coffee Grounds
Time: 8:00pm. Address: 1579 Hamline. Venue phone: 651-644-9959.
February 8, 2012 Diane Jarvenpa Minneapolis. MN St Paul’s Episcopal Church
Time: 7:00pm. Address: 1917 Logan Ave S. Poetry Reading Wednesday, February 8, 2012 St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 7:00 pm The Birchbark Books Reading Series will feature readers from the recent Perfect Dragonfly anthology. 1917 Logan Avenue South (northeast corner of Logan and West Franklin Avenues) Minneapolis, MN
January 27, 2012 Diane Jarvi St Paul Dunn Bros Grand
Time: 8:30pm. Venue phone: 651-698-0618.
January 12, 2012 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis. MN Cedar Cultural Center
Time: 8:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 416 Cedar Ave. Venue phone: 612-338-2674. Celebrate the release of Cafe Accordion Orchestra’s new CD “la Zingara” with special guests Diane Jarvi and Tony Balluff! For ticket info: The Cedar Cultural Center 416 Cedar Avenue Minneapolis, MN (612) 338-2674
January 12, 2012 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis. MN Cedar Cultural Center
Time: 8:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 416 Cedar Ave. Venue phone: 612-338-2674. Celebrate the release of Cafe Accordion Orchestra’s new CD “la Zingara” with special guests Diane Jarvi and Tony Balluff! For ticket info: The Cedar Cultural Center 416 Cedar Avenue Minneapolis, MN (612) 338-2674
January 7, 2012 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra Minneapolis. MN Cedar Cultural Center
Time: 8:00pm. Box office: 612-338-2674 ex 2. Address: 416 Cedar Ave. Venue phone: 612-338-2674. Diane joins Cafe Accordion Orchestra for their Midnight in Paris show at the Cedar
December 16, 2011 - December 19, 2011 Diane Jarvi Jackson Hole Alpenhof Lodge
Time: 3:30pm. Address: 3255 Village Dr. Venue phone: 307-733-3242. Diane Jarvi will be playing aprés ski in the Alpenhof Bistro.Also appearing at a house concert on Sunday, the 18th.
August 19, 2011 Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton Afton Sail Away Cafe
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3121 St Croix Trail. Venue phone: 651-436-6555. Come listen to Diane and Dan sail you away to different lands and enjoy a great meal too in beautiful Afton!
August 16, 2011 Diane Jarvi w/ Cafe Accordion Orchestra St Paul Minnesota History Center
Time: 6:30pm. Admission: free. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 345 W Kellogg Blvd. Venue phone: 651-259-3000. Cafe Accordion Orchestra w/Diane Jarvi @ MN History Center 6:30pm Description: CAO returns to the popular 9 Nights series on the MHS lawn with a “French Music and Music of the French Diaspora”. Bring a picnic, or buy your dinner there, or just come for the dancing! MN History Center 345 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul 651-259-3000
August 5, 2011 Diane Jarvi St Paul Dunn Bros Grand
Time: 8:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Venue phone: 651-698-0618. Come catch some tunes from around the world.
June 11, 2011 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis. MN ZRS Fossils and Gifts
Time: 12:30pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 3018 Lyndale Ave S. Venue phone: 612-824-1068. 3rd Anniversay Celebration at ZRS Fossils and Gifts shop
June 4, 2011 - June 5, 2011 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis. MN Walker Art Center
Time: 10:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages. Dear Good Friends of Grace Minnesota, Wishes for the Sky, and Don’t you feel it too? We have a new project to tell you about and a unique offer for you—The Lullaby Experiment. On June 4-5, as part of the overnight Northern Spark festival, we are hosting a sleepover project at the Walker Art Center. This will be a rare chance to experience the Walker in a new way while exploring the affection of lullaby singing and the receiving of that affection as sleepers. The work is created with CITYDESKSTUDIO and amazing local singers, including Leslie Ball, Diane Jarvi, and others. There are a very limited number of spots to experience this work of art fully, and we are reserving a certain number of spaces for you. If you are interested in this experiment, please email me back by this Thursday, May 26. We are looking for people who would like to bring their pajamas and bedding to spend a night letting go of their protected, daytime selves in search or their funny, loving, nighttime selves. We are looking for 30 sleepers and 6 volunteers (who will also sleep). We know sleeping over at the Walker can be out of your comfort zone, but we are prepared to make this a fun and interesting experience. More information about the project can be found at As always, our art is participatory, so we hope you can make this work with us. Our many thanks, Marcus & Grace Minnesota
May 21, 2011 Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton Minneapolis. MN Riverview Cafe
Time: 8:00pm. Address: 3753 42nd Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55405. Venue phone: (612) 722-7234. Come to one of their favorite venues and listen to Diane and Dan play American roots music and tunes form around the world. Related post.
May 15, 2011 Diane Jarvi Dassel, MN Dassel Historical Society
Time: 2:00pm. Admission: Donation. Age restrictions: All Ages. “Singing On A Joy Stone” Ancestral Fires Spring Concert Related post.
May 7, 2011 Diane Jarvi and Poets Stillwater Arcola Mills
Time: 6:00pm. Admission: $15.. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 12905 Arcola Trail. Venue phone: 651-439-1652. Rivers to the Sea… Celebrating New Beginnings Saturday, May 7 6 pm – 10 pm (Gates open at 4 pm) Where: Arcola Mills Historic Foundation 12905 Arcola Trail North Stillwater, MN 55082 Join us at Arcola Mills on the St. Croix River Saturday, May 7th as we celebrate spring with an evening featuring poetry and music. This event is the first in our “Rivers to the Sea” series for 2011. Admission is $15 per person. Featured artists Thomas R. Smith – A poet, teacher, writer and editor, Thomas lives in western Wisconsin. He has had hundreds of poems published on three continents. Since 2000 he has taught highly regarded poetry classes at The Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis. Visit his website at Freya Manfred – Freya’s poetry has appeared in over 100 reviews and magazines and over 30 anthologies. Her sixth collection of poetry, Swimming with a Hundred Year Old Snapping Turtle, won the 2009 Midwest Bookseller’s Choice Award for poetry. She lives near Hudson, WI. Learn more about Freya at Jere Truer – Jere Truer is a poet, musician, and storyteller who has performed throughout Minnesota for over 30 years. He was a founding member of Meeting Rivers. a sacred music dance theatre, and also of The Bedford Poets, to which Thomas and Diane also belong. His poems have appeared in numerous magazines and small presses. Diane Jarvi – Singer, songwriter, guitarist and award-winning poet Diane Jarvi is a versatile performer of folk and world music. She is known in Finland as Minnesotan Satakieli – the Minnesota Nightingale. Her blend of jazz, tango, folk and gypsy sounds captivate audiences. Visit Diane’s website at You may pay in advance when you register, or register now and pay at the door (cash or check). Arcola Mills Historic Foundation [email protected] 651-439-1652
April 29, 2011 Diane Jarvi St. Paul, MN Dunn Bros.
Time: 8:30pm. Address: 1569 Grand Ave.. Venue phone: 651-699-2636. Related post.
March 25, 2011 Diane Jarvi Albuquerque Apple Mountain Music
Time: 6:30pm. Admission: $10.00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 10301 Comanche Road NE. Venue phone: 505-237-2048. Diane Jarvi will be giving a kantele workshop at this great New Mexico music shop! Related post.
March 23, 2011 Diane Jarvi Albuquerque Tony Hillerman Library
Time: 6:00pm. Address: 8205 Apache NE. Venue phone: 505-291-6264. Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton will play at the Tony Hillerman library and check out some Navajo mysteries! Related post.
March 4, 2011 Diane Jarvi and Dianne Dettmann Afton Sail Away Cafe
Time: 7:00pm. Address: 3121 St Croix Trail. Venue phone: 651-436-6555. An evening of Finnish-American reading and music with Diane Jarvi and author Diane Dettmann Related post.
February 27, 2011 Diane Jarvi Minneapolis Open Eye Figure Theatre
Time: 2:00pm. Admission: $10.00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: 506 E. 24th St.. Venue phone: 612-874-6338. Benefit for Ancestral Fires Related post.
February 24, 2011 Diane Jarvi St Paul Dunn Bros Grand
Time: 8:30pm. Venue phone: 651-698-0618.
February 21, 2011 Diane Jarvi with Brian Barnes and Dan Newton Minneapolis Red Room at Loring Pasta Bar
Time: 7:00pm. Address: 327 14th Ave SE. Venue phone: 612-378-4849. Related post.
February 10, 2011 Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton St Paul Coffee Grounds
Time: 8:00pm. Address: 1579 Hamline. Venue phone: 651-644-9959.
February 4, 2011 Diane Jarvi St. Paul, MN Dunn Bros.
Time: 8:30pm. Address: 1569 Grand Ave.. Venue phone: 651-699-2636. Related post.
January 27, 2011 Diane Jarvi St Paul Dunn Bros Grand
Time: 8:00pm. Venue phone: 651-698-0618.
January 14, 2011 Diane Jarvi Fergus Falls, MN Center for Performing Arts
Time: 7:30pm. Address: 124 W. Lincoln Ave. Venue phone: (218) 998-2787. Women in Folk Concert Related post.
January 8, 2011 Café Accordion Orchestra Mpls. The Cedar
Time: 8:00pm. Admission: $12/$15. Address: 416 Cedar Avenue South. Venue phone: 612-338-2674. Dan Newton’s Café Accordion Orchestra presents an evening of all French music for their 6th annual concert at The Cedar. This year they will be joined by guests Diane Jarvi, and Ensemble Limousin. Diane will lend her amazing voice to classic Parisian chanson, French and Occitan folk songs. Ensemble Limousin (David Lee Echelard and M. Suzanne Cooley) play cabrette (French bagpipes), hurdy-gurdies and button accordion. Their repertoire is the dance music from the regions of Limousin, Auvergne, Berry and Bretagne. Cafe Accordion Orchestra will explore more music of the French diaspora: Musette, Gypsy Swing, Cajun, Quebecois, and Franco-Latino. They will also give the French treatment to some American popular tunes. Oh là là! Tickets go on sale at 12 noon Fri Nov 19 from the Cedar Ticketline (612-338-2674 ext 2), from hard-working Cedar volunteers in the front lobby during shows, from Cedar outlets (Electric Fetus, Irish on Grand, Homestead Pickin’ Parlor, and Depth of Field), and online at Ticketweb. All Cedar shows are all ages. Students with ID may gain discounted admission for tickets purchased at the door. Related post.
October 2, 2010 Diane Jarvi and Dan Newton Minneapolis. MN, MN House Concert–Email for more information
Time: 7:00pm. Age restrictions: All Ages.

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